Sunday, June 28, 2015

What is Your Relationship With Power?

Reflections for your wellbeing this week: getting in touch with your Solar Plexus Chakra, and with your relationship with power.

  • What are your feelings about power?
  • How do you give your power away?
  • Do you prefer to allow for others to make important (and smaller) life decisions for you?  Are you content with living your life in the backseat?
  • Do you tend to direct, press to action, organize?
  • Do you stand in your own power zone? 
  • Do you physically stand tall, with shoulders straight and back...  or do you tend to hunch forward and cross your arms in front of your stomach?
  • What 3 actions could you take THIS WEEK to move toward a more balanced experience of your own creative, decision-making, action-taking power? 

Need help to figure it out?  Click here to book your appointment:

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Hello Sunshine! New vibes for a new season.

I want to apologize, for I have not been very present this past month and a half…  All this business of solar flares, planetary alignments, and Mercury Retrograde brought up the rebel in me and I have been questioning many of my practices, from meditation, to nutrition… to writing weekly blog posts to my tribe.  Picture that inner two-year-old AND the inner teen within me questioning everything with the heavy “WHY?”  Why am I doing this?  Is it bringing me joy?  Is it contributing to the wellness of others?  Is it uplifting?  Am I doing this just because someone tells me I “should”, or because there’s something bigger inside of me that needs to be expressed?  And when I’m in the middle of whirlwind questioning, I tend to retreat within myself and find it very difficult to reach out.  It’s tough to be an introverted Gemini (ascending Scorpio!), with so much to share and yet so many questions that demand answers from deep within! ;)

I know I'm not alone in this transformation.  I have noticed a skyrocketing of restlessness and anxiety in my clients this past month.  A few new clients have come to me in panic: spiritual gifts are manifesting without conscious forewarning, and without prior training, leaving them wondering if they just suddenly woke up crazy one day, or if there’s actually something “going on out there” to make this shift happen.

How about you?  Has the past month or so been crazy, rebellious, draining…  or have you been feeling joyful and blissful?  Or going back and forth between that spectrum?

Here are a few of my observations to help us all navigate in this changing energy:

YES: there is a major shift going on on Earth at this time.

  • The geo-magnetic activity of our planet is shifting, and this shift is having an impact on our consciousness.  Not only are the birds and the insects changing their usual routine (have you noticed?), there’s like a beacon light activated within us telling us that it’s time we change our routine, too.  Many have just been disconnected from their instincts for too long that they don’t know what to do, and how to cope.

So, how do we cope?  

  • Make time everyday to connect with Nature.  Even if you live in the middle of a city, you can take time to look at the sky, the clouds, the flower beds…  Take your lunch outside.  Remember to breathe in deeply to your belly.  
  • Get in touch with your true values and your life’s purpose/mission.  When I evaluate everything in my life, I weigh it against the value of “JOY”.  This value might be different for you - for some, it’s empowerment, love, belonging, connecting, courage…  If you’re in the fog, I can help you identify your key value(s) by looking at your Akashic Records. 
  • Inventory your activities.  Once you know your key value and your soul purpose, it’s easier to ask yourself, “Is this activity bringing me (JOY)?”.  And if it’s not aligned to your core value, then it’s time to develop the courage and let it go.  Yes, it’s often easier said than done…  but trust me, you will reap the benefits with an increase of energy, focus… and financial flow!
  • Take time to rest and tune-in.  All of these changes in our spiritual, mental and emotional bodies are having an impact on our physical body.  Have you noticed that your body reacts differently to foods you’ve been eating your whole life?  Have you noticed your cravings are shifting?  Those are signs, baby.  Signs of the shift.  Listen to the wisdom of your body, who is working extra time to keep up with the higher vibes available to you at this time of transformation.  Treat your body with kindness, and you’ll see the transition will get smoother.

As part of my realignment, I realize that I do love writing to you; it does bring me joy.  And although I enjoyed the rhythm of the past few months creating articles and videos pertaining to the chakras, I find that I was perhaps playing it too "safe"... and my joy comes from being a bit more edgy...  So I'm stirring up my creative "witch's cauldron" and am waiting to see what will come out of the brew. ;)

I’m wrapping you up in White Light and sending you blessings of JOY.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

What has been blocking from being in the flow?

A Reading on the 2015 Summer Solstice.

What has been blocking you from manifesting your life's dreams and heart's desires?  Chances are, it's your own focus on your own darkness, on feelings of lack, on feelings of "not good enough"...

Remember, you are the creator of your life's experience!  This Readings urges you to love all of YOU, all of life.  Embrace your shadows by seeing the gifts behind the pain, and heal your heart.  Once you move into self-love, and make life choices based on Love, you will find more ease, more joy, more flow...  and more abundance!

Need help finding clarity and dissolving the energetic blocks you put up around your heart?  I can hold the sacred space for you and mentor you through specific clearing protocols.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Crystals that can help you create more harmony, freedom and joy

The Sacral Chakra is all about creativity as we transform raw energy and emotions into our own unique signature vibe.  Creativity is not only for the artists - we all need good creative mojo if we are to live the life we want; it won't just happen, we have to make it happen!

At times, old hurt feelings, learned beliefs or outdated patterns can really get in the way of the creative flow.  Working with crystals can help boost your meditative and self-reflective practices so you can get back in the flow.

There are so many wonderful crystals to choose from...  here are 3 to get you started: Mookite, Carnelian and Himalayan Salt Lamp.  Also on the shelf behind me and next to the Salt Lamp (I forgot to mention it in the video) is the Desert Rose.  You can read about it here.